Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2009


1972 zieht der homosexuelle Harvey Milk (Sean Penn) mit seinem Lover Scott Smith (James Franco) nach San Francisco. Im Arbeiterviertel eröffnen sie einen kleinen Fotoladen, der bald zum Zentrum der Anrainer wird. Dann setzt sich Harvey leidenschaftlich für die Belange der diskriminierten schwulen Community ein, was ihm zur politischen Karriere und großer Berühmtheit verhilft, aber auch Gegner und Feinde wie den Stadtrat Dan White (Josh Brolin) provoziert.

Ergreifendes biografisches Drama um den beliebten schwulen Bürgerrechtler Harvey Milk, temperamentvoll von Sean Penn verkörpert. Nach zuletzt experimentellen Arbeiten inszeniert Gus Van Sant ("Elephant") Leben und Sterben der populären Ikone als mitreißendes Zeitpanorama.



Just caught the Portland premiere and have a few thoughts.

Very thankful this film was made. Until now, it seemed like I was fairly alone in knowing about Harvey's legacy. After "Milk" starts getting attention....I hope that a whole new generation will come to know the Mayor of Castro Street (see Randy Shilt's book) and the importance of the gay rights movement.

That being said, Van Sant's "Milk" is great marriage of art and history. Instead of a dry portrait of an assasinated leader, we get a beautifully rendered flavor of the times, and an intimate vision of a man finding his place within a community and history.

Casting is brilliant. Penn inhabits Harvey Milk in a way that few actors I believe would be capable. His physicality and energy is very believable - and it's easy to forget what actor you're watching. After a's just Harvey. I could go on about the supporting cast...all very solid in their own way. James Franco (Scotty) stands out as well....showing his range and willingness to expand as an actor.

Kudos all the way around...I see this film getting several nods at Oscar time.

Additionally...Rob Epstein's Oscar-winning 1984 documentary "The Times of Harvey Milk" is a definite must for anyone who enjoyed this film. I watched it right after "Milk" - and am still impressed with how affecting it is.